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How to Save Energy with Automated Lighting and Shade Control


How often do you find yourself leaving the lights on in your home even when you are away? Simple mistakes like this can increase your energy bill and cause you to acquire unnecessary costs every month. In addition to offering convenience and security, automated lighting and shade control can help reduce your energy consumption and ultimately save you money. 

Lighting Control

The lighting in your home can affect the overall ambiance and environment of each room. Automated lighting and shade control allow you to determine the type of light you can have throughout the day. A programmable lighting system gives you the option to change the lighting of one specific room or of your entire home. From the touch of a button, you can adjust, dim, or schedule the brightness of your lights. These control options ensure your lights automatically turn off when you are not home and help you save energy. 

Shade Control 

Another aspect of automated lighting and shade control is the ability to manage the amount of natural light that comes into your home. The automated shades are designed to provide convenience as well as elevate the design of your home. With stylish fabric options and precise installation, your shades will create an elegant ambiance. Automatically lower your shades during bright, summer days to block out heat and save energy. 

Save Energy

Utilize an automated lighting and shade control system to save energy and add additional convenience to your home. Using the latest technology from brands like Control 4 and Savant, these systems provide you with the capability to take advantage of natural light and have control over your electric lights. You can schedule your lights to turn on or off when you need to use them, all from the touch of a button. 

If you want to save energy and reduce your cooling costs, contact the specialist at Maddox AV for a free consultation. We will work with you to install an automated lighting and shade control system that takes into consideration elements of design, efficiency, and cost. 

Visit us online or call us today (301) 960-2285

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